Biomechanics of biological fibrous tissues as the meniscus are strongly influenced by past histories of strains involving the so-called material hereditariness. In this paper, a three-axial […]
Background: The treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is today commonly treated by inserting a stent-graft by the endovascular route, without resorting to open surgery. However, […]
Samothrace, the sicilian micro and nano technology foundation of which AMED is partner, offers new job opportunities. For details about open positions please visit the website […]
SMOTHRACE, acronym of SiciliAn Micro and NanO TecHnology Research and InnovAtion Center, is a project aimed at the development of the island by means the support […]
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is an irreversible dilation of abdominal aorta, which may rupture if not surgically treated. To date, most aorta stent-graft used in clinical […]
“PLATFORM” is an acronym for “materiali, Processi e tecnoLogie Avanzate per la realizzazione il moniToraggio e la validazione FunziOnale di inteRventi di osteotoMia” Fondo per la […]